Monday, November 9, 2009

Nike+ Human Race at USC

At midnight on October 21, 2009 my BFFF Mandy and I ran the Nike+ Human Race up at USC. Nick, Mandy and I drove up to LA around 8pm, got some yummy dinner with Ted at Swinger's, then headed off to the starting line. Here are a few shots of us getting ready for the race.
Mandy ran the 10K and I did the 5K. There were 8000 runners there, so the starting line was crowded with tons of the red shirts. In this race you had to wear the race shirt as it had your number printed right on it (no bib). It was a sight! Anyway, because there were so many runners taking off from the starting line at once we got a really slow start. At about 1/4 or 1/2 mile the crowd dispersed a little bit and Mandy took off. I kept a slow and steady pace. I had to stop and walk quite a bit, but even so I finished the race in about 41 minutes. Mandy finished her race in just over an hour. Nick and Ted were waiting at the finish line for us. Yay! It was fun to run in the streets of Los Angeles in the middle of the night. There were also some bands, but the 5K only ran by an a cappella group (really?!?) so I can't really be a judge of the entertainment. Regardless, Mandy and I had fun. Plus we helped raise a little money for A Better LA. Bonus.Mandy decided to pass on the post-race-sweaty-awesomeness photo-op. Sorry, kids.